日本財団 図書館


1996 Business Prospectus for the Osaka Model United Nations (OMUN)


Since the early 19th century, modern states have undergone rapid development and nationalization, going through two world wars in the first half of the 20th century. It was also during this period that we have witnessed the process of internationalization at a furious speed, driven hy the evolution of nation states.
As we fast approach the end of the century, particularly after the end of the Cold War, we have seen a series of events that risk overshadowing further development, such as the growing financial deficits of major economies, the rise of nationalism and intensifying civil wars in developing nations, environmental pollution and the global population explosion, worldwide development of multimedia, etc. These phenomena have led us to reexamine the changes which have played a control role in the 20th century, that is, the development and internationalization of nation states.
Against this background, we believe that, in the 21st century, delegation of power from central to local authorities (localization) and globalization beyond the framework of nations will take over where the existing systems developed in 20th century nation states can no longer cope. In other words, the 21st century will he a period in which central government will be continuously responsible for defense, currencies and other matters that affect national sovereignty, whereas local authorities will be responsible for and take over many fields which transcend issues of national sovereignty.
Being a body of modern nation states, the United Nations has in this century proved to be of some service in damping down conflicts and helping to solve other contentious international issues. At the same time, however, there have been many cases in which they failed to function well with regard to ethnic conflicts and other cross-herder problems. This is because the United Nations is basically a body of sovereign nations, which in turn puts a limit on its functions.
In the 21st century, when development of localization and globalization will reduce the relative significance of national borders, it will be en urgent task for us to build a global system which will help to realize a really affluent global society by offering solutions to issues that concern the world over as we listen to what each local authority has to say through a channel different from the United Nations whose existence is based on a united body of nation states.
Having promoted campaigns for fostering global citizens, the Osaka Junior Chamber Inc. last years was officially approved as an NGO associated with the United Nations Department of Public Information. Toward the age of "glocalism (GLObalism-vloCALISM)" in the 21st century, Osaka Junior Chamber, Inc. will organize "Osaka Model United Nations" by inviting NGOs with global perspectives to discuss how we can build a global system based on independence and coexistence of local authorities, in which the opinions of each authority are reflected and a really affluent global society is realized.
In our capacity as an NGO associated with the UN Department of Public Information, we hope the conference will help provide a solution to the recently much discussed question of UN reform. by presenting a vision on the establishment of a new worldwide organization for the coming century to the United Nations, where superpowers are still dominant at Security Council.





